Bramhadnayak Movies all set to release the Marathi movie ‘Dhol tashe’ written and directed by Ankur Kakatkar. The film stars Abhijeet Khandkekar, Jitendra Joshi, Hrishita Bhatt, Pradip Velankar, Ila Bhate,Vinay Apte.
A boy from middle class Marathi family gets pulled into a situation which makes him meet the political leader of Maharashtra Yuva Aghadi. After a point this young boy becomes the leader of Maharshtra Yuva Dhol Taashe Aghadi. This is a thrilling story about these two characters and their reciprocation to each other over an immense cultural thing called Dhol Tashe.
Cinematography is by Kedar Gaekwad, whereas music is manned by Nilesh Moharir on the beautiful lyrics of Guru Thakur.