Runji: A new serial on Star Pravah

Pallavi Patil Runji Serial Actress

Runji, a serial capturing dreams and visions of today’s young generation will be telecasted on Star Pravah from 13 October, at 8 pm Monday to Friday.

Runji is a story of Runji Nadkarni. A girl with positive attitude. She speaks her mind, but she is not rude. She is a girl of today’s generation, at the same time she knows her boundaries as well.

This serial is produced by Mahesh Tagde and Jitendra Gupta. Directed by Avdhoot Purohit. The cast includes newcomers like Pallavi Patil, Tushar Kavle, Sai Ranade along with veterans like Sanjay Mone, Vandana Waknis, Surekha Kudchi, Prasanna Ketkar.


Pallavi patil runji, runji serial cast,