Partu, a film based on a real life story of a boy has made its mark in the fourth DC South Asian Film Festival. The film bagged Best Actor (Kishor Kadam) and Best Film by audience.
The Film Festival was organised by 25 to 27 Septemebr in Washington USA. There were 28 films competing for various awards.
The film stars Kishor Kadam, Smita Tambe, Saurabh Gokhale, Gayatri Soham, Anshuman Vichare, Navni Parihar, Raja Bundela, Ravi Bharateey and Child artiste Yash Pande.
The story of this film has been written by Clarke McMillan, Derell Cocks and Nitin Adsool. Editing is by Rajesh Rao. Music for this film has been given by Shashank Powar.