Abhay Pathak Production has launched its new venture directed by Mahesh Pawaskar which has Prathamesh Parab as lead actor. The Muhurt for this film was performed by Nanubhai Jaisinghani of Video Palace recently in Pune. This will be a love story based on current generation. The shooting will start by September end.
The main cast includes Ashok Samarth, Mohan Joshi, Nitin Abhay Pathak Production Jadhav. The film is co-produced by Gauri Pathak. Story is written by Sagar Pathak and screenplay-dialogues are by Vaibhav Chinchalkar. The music is composed by Sameer Saptiskar, Arif and Aron. The director of photography is Bhooshan Vani. Other crew includes Art direction- ArunRahane, Makeup: Lalit Kulkarni, Costumes: Mohini Nanaware. Sound: Umar Mulani.