Zee Talkies presents Yad Lagla

Sanskruti Balgude & Aniket Vishwasrao - Yad Lagla Zee talkies

Zee Talkies recently presented a live musical event “Yaad Lagala” in Pune Festival. The televised event will be broadcast on Zee Talkies at 12 noon and 6 pm on 2 October.

The event will start by a dance performance by Mrunmayee Deshpande. Lavani jugalabandi (dance off) by Megha Ghadghe and Dipali Sayyad will be a highlight of this event. Marathi folk performances like Gavalan and Batavani will be performed by Atul Todankar, Shashikant Kerkar, Swati Deval, Namrata Avate, Prakash and Nitin.

Sonalee Kulkarni - Yad Lagla Zee talkiesSonalee Kulkarni Performance - Yad Lagla Zee talkies

A skit – Sairatrao vs Jhingatrao will feature Sagar Karande, Kushal Badrike, Pandharinath Kamble, Megha Ghadge. Sasnkruti Balgude and Aniket Vishwasrao will perform on romantic duets. Mansi Naik and Sonali Kulkarni will also perform in this event.

Sanskruti Balgude Performance - Yad Lagla Zee talkies

Don’t forget to watch this amazing event on Zee Talkies on 2 October.


deepali sayyad lavani dance performance,