After getting huge response at the box office and captivating millions of hearts worldwide, Balak Palak (BP) is all set for a grand television premiere on Sunday, 29th September on Zee Marathi. The film is produced by the trio of Riteish Deshmukh, Uttung Thalkur and Ravi Jadhav. The movie is directed by Ravi Jadhav, who had earlier directed Nararang, an internationally acclaimed Zee Talkies film. Balak Palak is comedy drama on the topic of sex education. The story is written by Ganesh Pandit and Ambar Hadap and shot by Mahesh Limaye.
Producer, Director Ravi Jadhav says about the film, “Often parents avoid talking to kids. Answering all questions posed by our kids is not something we happily do. Sometimes, we reply with a slap, sometimes, with a shout. And most of the time we avoid the question all together. BP is the answer for those questions which you cannot avoid and which you unable to answer properly to kids”
BP is a fun filled drama that will help parents realize how important it is to communicate transparently with their child.
Fans, movie lovers and all the Balak (children) and Palak (parents) who missed the opportunity to watch this DHINCHAK film can now watch the movie on Sunday, September 29th @ 7 pm on Zee Marathi with fun, excitement and thrill.
balak palak movie free watch,