- Movie : Te Aath Divas (2015) | ते आठ दिवस
- Producer : Kishor Dhargalkar, Shekhar Pradhan
- Directer : Shyam Swarnlata Dhanorkar
- Studio : Supremo Entertainment
- Star Cast : Renuka Shahane, Tushar Dalvi, Aaroh Velankar, Deepali Muchrikar, Avinash Masurekar, Sunil Joshi, Atul Todankar, Meena Sonavane, Abhilasha Patil, Suhasini Paranjpe, Abhishek Deshmukh, Ashay Kulkarni, Pandurang Kulkarni, Ramesh Solanki and Ashitosh Gaikwad.
- Story : Shashank Kevale
- Screenplay : Shashank Kevale
- Music : Vikas Bhatavdekar, Pankaj Padghan
- Lyrics : Saumitra
- Singers : Shailaja Subramanyam.
- Dialogues : Shashank Kevale
- Cinematography : Navneet Misar
- Sound Design : Satish Pujari
- Art Director : Chetan Shikarkhane
- Editor : Anant Kamat
- Genre : Drama
- Release Date : 30th October 2015
Synopsis: “Te 8 Diwas movie’s story about woman who came back after 18 years for her daughter’s wedding and she feel sorry and want to stay with her daughter, husband as a family.
Te Aath Diwas Marathi Movie Poster / Still Photos :
Te Aath Diwas Marathi Movie Official Trailer:
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