Dhag upcoming Marathi Movie Cast Photo, Official Promo
- Movie – Dhag (धग)
- Director – Shivaji lotan patil
- Producer – Vishal Gavare
- Cast – Upendra limye,Nagesh bhosale,Usha jadhav,Suhasini Deshpande,Hansraj jagtap,Neha Dakhinkar
- Dop – nagraj
- Editor – Nilesh gavand
- Lyricist – Shivdarshan Kadam
- Music Director – Aasi Ramchandra
- Release Date : 7th March 2014
Story :
It is a story of a 13 year old boy, ‘Krishna’. It is his journey from a stubborn rebel to a mature turnaround. His family is a care taker of a crematory in a village. They are at the lowest end in Hindu caste system. Krishna has decided not to follow the family tradition and bring his family out of the crematorium, and lead a respectable life.
Krishna’s father Shripati, has accepted his destiny and carrying the tradition, his forefathers and the society have imposed on him. But he is happy to see that his son, Krishna does not want to carry this burden. In addition to his traditional job Shripati also works in his friend’s – Mangya’s shop, Mangya is also from a lower caste. This job helps Shripati to make ends meet for his family.
Krishna’s mother Yashoda, though she has never mentioned this openly; is also wants Krishna to break these religious bindings. That is why against all odds she has admitted her both kids, Krishna and Kanchan in a local government school. That is her dream that one day Krishna will become some kind of officer and will open the doors of heavens for them.
Krishna’s orthodox grandmother is very practical also, she wants Krishna to leave the school and start helping his father in crematory. She never likes his denials, as for her; saying no to the job their forefathers have left for them, could bring bad omen.
Krishna only knows that he will not follow his family tradition but he doesn’t know what he will do instead. He has never given a thought to it. So he bunks school, plays and wonders around with his friends. And takes hard beating for doing this from his mother.

But it all changes in one night, when Shripati dies of a snake bite. After Shripati’s death everyone expects Krishna to take the charge of crematory. But Krishna secretly takes a job in his friend’s juice centre to earn some money for the family, and when the time comes to perform his traditional duty he runs away. Villagers doesn’t allow Yashoda to do the rituals of the cremation, it is against their religious values to let a woman do the rituals. Yashoda feels that it is all over for her family and Mangya comes to her rescue.
Slowly Mangya becomes the care taker of his friend Shripati’s family. Krishna’s grandmother knows Mangya’s interest in Yashoda is one of the motives behind his helpfulness. She tells her daughter in law to be friendly with Mangya. She explains her that now he is the only hope for them, as Krishna is not capable of understanding the situation. Krishna hears this talk between his mother and grandmother and this makes Krishna first time to think. He decides to start their traditional work which he always despised. He realizes that if he wants to bring himself and his family out of that crematory forever he has to do what he actually wants to quit for the time being. He knows that, This is the only way to keep Mangya away and survive until he gets his education.
“Dhag” Marathi Movie Posters :
“Dhag” Marathi Movie Promo/Official Trailer :
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