Party Trailer: Celebrates the Relation of ‘Friendship’

Party has been a highly anticipated youth centric Marathi film that is releasing on 7th September. Directed by Sachin Darekar ‘Party‘ captures the essence of the stress free times of our lives when we are young & are only having fun with our bunch of friends. Our friend circle is more close to us even more than our family at this point of our life.

But years pass by & our priorities change. ‘Party’ along with being a spectacular fun ride it also touches the depth of this topic as seen from the trailer. ‘Maitricha Hafta Hi Bharaycha Asto He Visrun Jaato Yaar Apan’ is a dialogue from the trailer that has the potential to be an iconic dialogue in the history of Marathi cinema once the film releases.

The film stars Suvrat Joshi, Rohit Haldikar, Akshay Tanksale, Prajakta Mali, Manjiri Pupala & Sthavan Shinde as very close friends. The chemistry between this star cast is clearly visible in the trailer, moreover everyone’s character in the film seems to be undergoing a lot of change as they grow older. This change also represents the sad truth of friendship! ‘Party’ overall looks like a film that will easily feel relatable to audiences of all ages as at some point of time everyone has lived this life.